Nicorette® Original 2mg Gum Nicotine 210 Pieces (Stop Smoking Aid)


Nicorette® gum relieves and/or prevents withdrawal symptoms including cravings experienced when trying to stop smoking or cutting down on cigarettes. It provides a safer alternative to smoking for both the individual and those around them.

Ideally you should aim to stop smoking. However, this product can be used either to completely replace all your cigarettes, or if you do not feel ready to stop smoking completely, to replace certain cigarettes and therefore help you to cut down. It may also help increase your motivation to quit.

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Nicorette Gum can sometimes cause a slight irritation of the throat at the start of the treatment. It may also cause increased salivation. The gum may occasionally stick to dentures and in rare cases damage them.

The active ingredient in Nicorette 2 mg Gum is 2 mg Nicotine

The active ingredient in Nicorette 4 mg Gum is 4 mg Nicotine

Other ingredients are: Chewing gum base, sorbitol, sodium carbonate, flavourings, polacrilin, glycerol and talc.

The chewing gum base contains butylated hydroxyl toluene (E321), an anti-oxidant.

The 2 mg gum also contains sodium bicarbonate.

The 4 mg gum also contains quinoline yellow (E104) (yellow colour).

The gum does not contain sugar (sucrose) or animal products.

  1. Chew gum slowly until taste is strong or you feel a slight tingling sensation.
  2. Rest gum between cheek or gums.
  3. Chew again when taste has faded. Repeat until there is no more tingling.

Do not use Nicorette Gum if you have an allergy to nicotine or any of the other ingredients.

Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist:

  • if you are pregnant or breast-feeding – you may be able to use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to help you give up smoking but you should try to give up without it.
  • if you are in hospital because of heart disease (including heart attack, disorders of heart rate or rhythm, or stroke).  In other heart conditions not requiring you to be in hospital, using NRT is better than continuing to smoke.
  • if you have a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, inflammation of the stomach or inflammation of the oesophagus (passage between the mouth and stomach).
  • if you have liver or kidney disease.
  • if you have an overactive thyroid gland or have a phaeochromocytoma (a tumour of the adrenal gland that can affect blood pressure) – your doctor will have told you this.
  • if you have diabetes – monitor your blood sugar levels more often when starting to use Nicorette Gum as you may find your insulin or medication requirements alter.
  • if you are taking other medicines such as theophylline, clozapine or ropinirole. Stopping smoking or cutting down may require the dose of these medicines to be adjusted.

The chewing gum base contains butylated hydroxy toluene (E321), an anti-oxidant. May cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis) or irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes.

Nicorette Gum contains sorbitol. If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars, talk to your doctor before taking this medicine.

If you are pregnant: ideally, you should try to give up smoking without NRT. If you can’t manage this, you can use NRT as the risks to your baby are far less than smoking, however you should talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for advice.

Products that are used intermittently may be preferable to nicotine patches. However, patches may be more suitable if you have nausea or sickness. If you do use patches take them off before going to bed at night.

If you are breast-feeding: ideally, you should try to give up smoking without NRT. If you can’t manage this you are best to use NRT products that are taken intermittently (not patches), however you should talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for advice.

Breast-feed just before you use Nicorette Gum to ensure that the baby gets the smallest amount of nicotine possible.

If you do need to use NRT to help you quit, the amount of nicotine that the baby may receive is considerably smaller and less harmful than the second-hand smoke they would inhale if you smoked. Tobacco smoke produces breathing and other problems in babies and children.

If you have used more than the recommended dosage you may experience nausea (feeling sick), salivation, pain in your abdomen, diarrhoea, sweating, headache, dizziness, hearing disturbance or weakness.

If you do get any of these effects contact a doctor or your nearest hospital Accident and Emergency department immediately. Take the leaflet and pack with you.

Contact a doctor or your nearest hospital Accident and Emergency department immediately if a child under 12 years uses, chews or swallows this medicine. Take the leaflet and pack with you.  Nicotine ingestion by a child may result in severe poisoning.


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