Showing all 8 results

  • Tipson Slim Tea


    Feel lighter and look ahead at brighter days with a cup of Tipson’s slimming tea.  All the natural ingredients compliment the nutrients in green tea to help you maintain your ideal weight together with a healthy balanced diet and the right exercise regime. Feel your best everyday with a cup of this amazing brew.

  • Turmeric & Ginger Gummy


    Boost Your Immune System with powerful antioxidants that also act as a natural inflammatory . Our premium curcumin turmeric and ginger gummies for adults will help reinforce your immune system with natural antioxidants while helping you supplement liver health and cardiovascular health.

    Our all natural, tropical-flavored curcumin turmeric and ginger gummies will provide essential antioxidants and potent vitamins to promote proper digestion and add an extra layer of protection against the common cold. Plus, ginger is a natural remedy for motion sickness and will help make long trips easier!

  • Ava Virgin Coconut Premium Oil 500ml


    Ava virgin coconut oil (VCO) is the healthiest of coconut oil, it is produced  from coconut milk by grating the coconut and mixing it with water, then squeezing out the oil. In this way the healthful benefits of coconut oil are preserved.

    ava virgin coconut oil (VCO) is our authentic choice of virgin coconut oil (VCO).  ava virgin coconut oil is gently extracted from carefully selected matured coconuts freshly harvested from the finest Ghanaian certified organic coconut farms.

  • Fanta Citrus Can drink 330ml


    Fanta Lemon is a refreshing, sparkling soft drink with a zingy, fruity taste. It’s made with five per cent lemon juice.

    First introduced in 1940, Fanta is the second oldest brand of The Coca-Cola Company.

  • Living Bitters Capsules


    Living Bitters speeds up the natural cleansing of the entire system and improves intestinal absorption as it gently empties the bowels.
    Users of this great medicine have attested to the following facts that Living Bitters:

    • Cleanses the colon of impurities.
    • Purifies the blood, improves blood circulation and promotes good sight.
    • Takes away fullness & heaviness.
    • Prevents and clears boils, pimples & skin problems, & keeps the skin soft, supple & silky.
    • Normalizes the functions of the heart, liver & kidneys. & prevents urine retention.
    • Prevents & cures all types of fever.
    • Regulates menstrual flow, eliminates painful & irregular menstruation & also improves fertility in women.
    • Enhances sexual performance in men.
    • Relieves gas in the bowel, expels worms & cures all stomach troubles including ulcers.
    • Helps one to slim naturally without any side effect and rejuvenates the body.
    • Clears headaches, migraine, neck pains, back & waist pains, rheumatism, gout & arthritis.
  • Medicura Noni Juice 750ml


    Organic Noni, 750 ml glass bottle – 100 % juice from certified organic agriculture

  • Medicura Organic Drink for Children


    Organic Drink for Children, 330 ml glass bottle – juice with apple, banana and vitamin C from certified organic agriculture

  • Taabea Capsules


    For constipation & waist pains.