• Ideal for storing in car or luggage
• Contains RED CROSS® Brand, BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages, and more
• 70 items in 1 easy-to-carry case
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This kit includes 2 CPR masks — one for adult patients and one for children, and one that is specially sized for infants. Constructed of clear materials, our masks help rescuers ensure proper positioning, and allow them to monitor the patient while providing care. Masks come equipped with elastic, latex-free head straps, as well as one-way valves with built-in filters and oxygen inlets, and bladder inflation ensures a proper seal. A soft nylon case with belt loop and belt clip is included, making our CPR masks convenient to carry.
Slnce the office or workplace ls where most of our tlme Is spent away from home, employees have every rlght to leel sale In thelr own work envlronment. Our klts are compllant wlth OSHA/ANSI standards, and stocked wlth comprehenslve components that wlll meet and exceed your requlrements. Stored In handy and durable translucent plastlc cases, our klts are organlzed and allow Ilttle to no room for error In treatlng common workplace mlshaps.
This First Aid Kit is essential for any car, home or office, held in a handy zipped nylon holdall is a full complement of first aid supplies including ice packs and a silver emergency
These excellent kits are ideal for motorists, campers and anyone needing a comprehensive first aid kit.